Registered Icelandic Sheep in Vermont
Photo: Alissa Hessler / Urban Exodus
Our farm flock: For breedstock, wool, meat, and dairy.
"The soil feeds the plants, the plants feed the animals, the animals manure the land, the manure feeds the soil, the soil feeds the plants."
~ John Seymour, The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency
Stark Hollow Farm sells registered Icelandic sheep from our small homestead farm in Vermont. All our animals for sale may be registered upon purchase. Animals are trained to electric fencing, including electric netting. Once the largest Icelandic sheep breeder in New England, our flock was also certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW and certified 100% grass fed For many years. When we scaled our farm back, the certification no longer made economic sense but we still follow most of those practices. We do not use grains for finishing. Our pastures are chemical, fertilizer and pesticide free as is the organic hay our animals consume during winter months. We do treat for parasites as needed and augment our parasite management program with the use of natural products such as organic garlic concentrate, organic north Atlantic kelp and other natural minerals.
Our heritage breed Icelandic sheep are rotationally grazed on pasture in the warm growing seasons and over-wintered outdoors with local organic grass hay & natural legumes. We believe the fresh air, the sun, the outdoor activity and exercise contribute to our sheep being healthier and stronger. All this results in very happy critters and eventually translates into more and better wool, leaner and tastier meat, and flavorful dairy products.
Sale price includes registration papers, vaccinations appropriate to the age the animal leaves the farm, ear tags, ear tattoo, hoof trim and parasite treatment upon request or as needed prior to leaving the farm, as well as technical support as needed.
Please note, however, pricing does not include vet certificate. If you require a certificate, we will arrange for it at cost. Delivery is also available for an additional fee. Please contact us for more information.
"The Icelandic sheep is one of the world's oldest and purest breeds of sheep. Throughout its 1100 years of history, the Icelandic breed has been truly triple-purpose, treasured for its meat, fiber and milk."
~ Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America